First time here?


We're glad you've taken a few minutes to explore our website.  This page will give you some insight as to what to expect when you visit with us at R&C.  We want you to feel comfortable and welcome, and we look forward to meeting you!

When We Meet

Sunday Worship - 9 AM

Sunday Bible Study - 5 PM

Wednesday Bible Study - 6:30 PM

What To Expect

Visiting a new church can be intimidating.  We want you to feel comfortable when you visit us for worship services, so here is a brief summary of what you can expect from a typical service with us...

When you visit R&C, expect to find people who are warm, friendly and, like yourself, concerned about things that are spiritual.  Expect to encounter humble servants of the Lord; sinners saved by the grace of God. Expect to find folks hungry to know and obey God's will. Expect to find people with the same needs, strengths and weaknesses that you have. Don't expect them to be perfect, because they are not and do not claim to be.

The churches of Christ in this community and around the world believe strongly in the Lordship of Jesus and the authority of His word: The Bible. We are dedicated to teaching the Bible in its truth and simplicity. We have no right or desire to teach our own ideas. We study and search to know and to grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 3:18)

When you enter the building, expect a warm greeting and an offer of assistance. If you come for Bible classes, you'll be assisted in finding a class (we have classes for all ages). If you come for the worship assembly, you may want help finding a seat or maybe finding a friend you would like to sit with.

Throughout the service there will be several prayers, offering praise to the Creator for His majesty, asking help for the sick and the downtrodden and strength for us as we daily live for Him. God's people should always be a people of prayer (I Thessalonians 5:17).

As the service begins, you will notice that the singing is acappella; The early church used the simple beauty of the human voice in praise to God. The instrument we want to use in our singing is the heart, (Ephesians 5:19) as we raise our voices in praise to our God. The Bible’s emphasis is on teaching and admonishing one another in song (Colossians 3:16).

The Bible will receive great emphasis in the assembly. The Bible will be quoted and read sever-al times. There will probably be a reading of a passage of scripture before the sermon or communion. You will find the preacher's sermon to be Bible-centered and Bible-based. The New Testament is God’s Word and our authority today. It is the covenant given us by our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord's Supper is a central part of the Sunday assembly of Christians. It was given as a memorial until Christ returns (Matthew 26:26-28; I Corinthians 11). It is a time of communion with our Lord, remembrance, quiet reflection and self-examination.

An offering will be taken during the service. As a visitor you are not expected to give, though you may if you wish. The work of the Lord's church has always been supported by free-will offerings on Sundays (I Corinthians 16:1,2).

As you attend the assembly, you will not be singled out or embarrassed in any way. As a visitor, you are our honored guest. We're glad you've chosen to worship with us.

We think you will find the assembly enjoyable and enriching. It will be simple, edifying and will emphasize Jesus and His will for us. We would love having you visit in our assemblies.

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